Culture Politics

This is How Cambridge Dictionary is Redefining ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’

Orwell’s “Newspeak” is on full display. We’re almost ready for “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” Not quite, but rest assured, we are getting there. By way of a quick review, there are these things called dictionaries. They used to be these big, frequently dusty things found in the back of classrooms or libraries. Occasionally, they have been given as gifts to young students who tried their best to look grateful. Dictionaries have migrated to a digital format and can be found online.

Once upon a time, a dictionary could be used to provide you with the correct spelling of a given word, as well as its definition. No political commentary, no “directing” people to an acceptable mindset. Just the information you needed to help you express yourself properly.

Now? Not so much.

The Cambridge Dictionary has changed its definition of “man” to the following. Read more…

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