Government Politics

Gaetz and MTG’s Explosive Plan to Defund ATF Director

Republican Representatives Matt Gaetz of Florida and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia have taken a bold stance against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) by announcing their intention to defund the Office of the Director using the Holman Rule. The Holman Rule allows amendments to appropriations legislation that can reduce the salary of federal employees, terminate their positions, or eliminate specific programs.

In a letter obtained by The Daily Caller, Gaetz and Greene criticize the ATF for its policies and express their determination to defund the director. They highlight the ATF’s impractical record-keeping standards that have led to the closure of gun stores and the highest revocation rate for Federal Firearms Licensees in 16 years. They argue that innocent clerical errors should not result in such severe consequences and assert that the ATF has exceeded its statutory authority.

This move aligns with the previous calls made by both Gaetz and Greene to abolish the ATF. In June 2021, Greene introduced the Brian A. Terry Memorial Eliminate the ATF Act, named after a Marine and Border Patrol agent who lost his life in a gunfight. Gaetz also introduced the Abolish the ATF Act, calling for the complete elimination of the agency, after the ATF declared certain pistol stabilizing braces illegal without a specific license.

Gaetz’s efforts to challenge the ATF continue with a Congressional Field Hearing he is hosting in Shalimar, Florida. The hearing will focus on the ATF’s targeting of Federal Firearms Licenses (FFL). These actions by Gaetz and Greene demonstrate their unwavering commitment to protecting Second Amendment rights and holding the ATF accountable for what they perceive as overreach and unjust policies.

By utilizing the Holman Rule to defund the Office of the Director, Gaetz and Greene are exercising their legislative powers to address what they see as serious issues within the ATF. This conservative perspective aims to promote accountability, limit government overreach, and protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners across the country.

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