Crime Politics

Protesters Storm Tennessee Capitol Demanding Gun Control

Police officers are getting plowed over right now by mobs of screaming protesters at the Tennessee capitol. It’s absolute chaos there as anti-gun nuts have broken into the chamber and shut down the People’s business, chanting something about justice and guns. They pushed through a line of state troopers to access the chamber. Oddly, it doesn’t look like anyone is getting arrested, pepper sprayed, tuned up with billy clubs, or hauled off to prison on charges of “sedition.”

We’ve returned to the status quo, where anyone on the left can break any law they wish and no one will go to jail. And if they are arrested, they’ll be bailed right out (probably by Democrats in the Tennessee legislature) and not even have to pay a fine.

But if you’re on the other side of the issue or have ever voted for that Orange Man, you are not allowed to protest. Read more…

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