Biden Politics

Unbelievable: Biden Gives Iranian Thugs a Pass

Unsatisfied with beating and molesting them on the streets, Iran has started executing its young citizens over their desperate human rights protests.

Majidreza Rahnavard, 23, was only the latest to be hanged this week for what the theocrats declared was his “enmity against God.” Reports suggest that his family was not even forewarned of the execution, instead being told matter-of-factly, “We have killed your son and buried his body in Behesht-e Reza cemetery” – this from a regime that pretends it serves God with humility and honor.

Of course, such callous disdain for human life is a defining facet of the Islamic Republic of Iran. But it says much about the courage of Iranians and their desire for freedom that so many continue to protest even as Tehran’s terror escalates. These latest protests were sparked by the September killing of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, who died after being detained for supposedly wearing her hijab head covering improperly. But the fundamental complaint of these protesters is a simple and enduring one – namely, that they are led by geriatric theocrats who have no regard for anything but their own retention of corrupted power. Read more…

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