Biden Government Politics

Shocking Revelation: Joe Biden’s Brother is Even Worse

Is there no end to the corruption of America’s First Family? Hunter Biden’s laptop is certainly more salacious, but when it comes to influence-peddling, Old Joe Biden’s kid brother Jim, who is a sprightly 73, is giving his notorious nephew a run for his ill-gotten money. And in yet another indication that the people who are really running the dumpster fire known as the Biden administration are tiring of their feckless and dementia-ridden mouthpiece, it’s all coming out now.

The UK’s Daily Mail reported Tuesday that young Jim “was hired to engage in secret negotiations with the Saudi government on behalf of a US construction company because of his relationship with the then vice president, legal documents claim.” Jim got the nod for this task because, according to an affidavit, the Saudis “would not dare stiff the brother of the Vice-President who would be instrumental to the deal.” Read more…

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