Biden Government Immigration

Obama’s Own DHS Secretary DESTROYS Biden’s Immigration Plan

Jeh Johnson, who served as Homeland Security secretary under President Barack Obama, said the President Joe Biden’s plan to monitor processed and released migrants is not “feasible” as there is expected to be chaos once Title 42 is removed on May 11.

The Biden administration has made it clear they do not plan on focusing on deterrence with the anticipated influx of illegal immigrants, rather they have said there are plans in place to better help absorb the spike in illegal crossings and to process the people in a timely manner.

“When you have people coming across our southern border in these numbers, even with the additional resources we have now, it’s simply not feasible to keep track of them all. And the backlog in cases just grows and grows and grows, and communities along the southern border are forced to absorb these large numbers and then it becomes…a political stunt by the governor of Texas, governor of Florida,” Johnson said. Read more…

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