Biden Politics

Hilarious: Biden’s Post-Midterms Approval Ratings Are In

80-year-old Joe Biden’s approval rating is back at 41 percent according to RealClearPolitics, as the site averaged several separate polls on how the public feels about the president, with the lowest rating coming from Quinnipiac at 36 percent.

Co-Founder & President of RealClearPolitics Tom Bevan, posted, “Meanwhile, Biden’s approval rating in the RCP Average has slipped back to 41.0%, the lowest point since August 20.”

In January, a Quinnipiac poll had Biden’s approval at 33 percent with 53 percent disapproving of his job performance.

In February, an ABC News and Washington Post poll showed Biden’s approval rating at 37 percent, just as the president announced the first package of financial aid for Ukraine in their war with Russia. Read more…

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